Friday, October 29, 2010

FIFA fully lifts ban on Nigeria

GENEVA — FIFA said Friday it had fully lifted an international ban on Nigeria after court action against Nigerian football official was withdrawn.
The executive committee of world football's governing body "decided to lift the suspension on the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) after receiving confirmation that the court actions against elected members of the NFF had ceased and that they could now work without hindrance," FIFA said in a statement.
FIFA had initially imposed the ban for what it called "government interference" in the running of Nigerian football in the wake of the national side's early exit from the World Cup.
But it suspended the ban provisionally this month until October 26 after some steps were taken, notably allowing the country to play a 2012 Nations Cup qualifier in Guinea.
Acting NFF secretary-general Musa Amadu said Tuesday that the withdrawal this week of the last obstacle, a court case by the National Association of Nigeria Footballers (NANF), allowed the federation's board to function again.

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